February 11: Birthday of Thomas Edison (1847)


Prayer Idea

Pray for homeschooling parents who are helping each child flourish in his or her own way.

History Note

In 1847 Nancy and Samuel Edison were living in Milan, Ohio. On February 11, Nancy gave birth to their seventh child, Thomas.

When Thomas Edison was seven years old, his family moved to Michigan, where he spent the rest of his childhood. Thomas went to school for a few months, but his teachers thought he was slow. He left school, and his mother taught him at home. Thomas came to love reading, which he enjoyed the rest of his life. He also liked to do experiments in the basement.

Thomas Edison grew up to become famous as an inventor and businessman. Reflecting on his childhood, he reminisced, “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint.”

Statue of Thomas Edison and Nancy Edision by Michael Tradowsky in Milan, Ohio.

Photo by Charlene Notgrass

Learn More

Watch a short biography of Thomas Edison.

Learn more about Edison, inventions, and homeschooling at Homeschool History.

Notgrass History

Notgrass History exists to glorify God by producing materials centered in His Word that help parents train their children to honor God with heart, soul, and mind. Our team of homeschool parents and graduates work together to serve homeschooling families across the country and around the world.


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