March 14: Birthday of Truett Cathy (1921)


Prayer Idea

Pray for Christians who are seeking to run their businesses for God’s glory according to Biblical principles.

History Note

Truett Cathy was born in Eatonton, Georgia, on March 14, 1921. His family moved to Atlanta when he was a child.

His mother, Lilla, opened a boarding house to support their family. Truett and his siblings cleaned bathrooms and helped feed their boarders. Truett began buying packs of Coca-Cola and selling them to his neighbors. He also delivered newspapers for several years.

After serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, Truett opened a restaurant called the Dwarf House Grill with his brother, Ben. Truett’s wife, Jeannette, and their children Dan, Don (Bubba), and Trudy, also worked in the restaurant.

In 1967 Truett Cathy opened the first Chick-fil-A restaurant at the Greenbriar Mall in Atlanta, Georgia. The main attraction was a chicken sandwich made with the recipe Truett had perfected. The chain now has more than 3,000 locations in 48 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, and Canada.

All Chick-fil-A restaurants are closed on Sunday so that employees can set aside one day to rest, enjoy time with their families and loved ones, and worship if they choose.

Truett Cathy died in 2014, leaving a legacy of faithfulness, dedication, and generosity.

President George W. Bush (left) welcomed Truett Cathy to the White House in 2008 to present him with the Lifetime President's Volunteer Service Award. White House photo by Joyce N. Boghosian.

Learn More

This video profiles the faith and mission of Truett Cathy.

Find more resources about Chick-fil-A at Homeschool History.

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Notgrass History exists to glorify God by producing materials centered in His Word that help parents train their children to honor God with heart, soul, and mind. Our team of homeschool parents and graduates work together to serve homeschooling families across the country and around the world.

March 15: Billy Graham Crusade in Chattanooga, TN (1953)


March 13: Discovery of Uranus (1781)