March 16: Samoset Visits the Pilgrims (1621)


Prayer Idea

Pray for translators and interpreters who help people understand each other.

History Note

Samoset (c. 1590-1653) was a member of the Abenaki people from what is now Maine. In March of 1621, he became the first indigenous person to make contact with the Pilgrims who had settled at Plymouth in December of 1620. Samoset surprised the English by speaking to them in their native language. William Bradford described this meeting in his book, Of Plimoth Plantation. (The spelling in the quotation is modernized.)

But about the 16th of March a certain Indian came boldly amongst them, and spoke to them in broken English, which they could well understand, but marveled at it. At length they understood by discourse with him, that he was not of these parts, but belonged to the eastern parts, where some English ships came to fish, with whom he was acquainted, & could name sundry of them by their names, amongst whom he had got his language.

Samoset introduced the Pilgrims to Ousamequin and Tisquantum. Ousamequin was a leader of the Wampanoag known by the title of Massasoit. Tisquantum, also known as Squanto, was a member of the Patuxet people. Squanto had spent time in Europe as a captive.

The Pilgrims made a long-lasting peace treaty with Massasoit. And Squanto provided valuable instruction and practical assistance to the Pilgrims.

Another Englishman, Christopher Levett, mentioned meeting Samoset in 1624. He described him as “one that has been found very faithful to the English and has saved the lives of many of our Nation, some from starving, others from killing.”

This 19th-century illustration depicts Samoset meeting the Pilgrims.

Learn More

Samoset, Massasoit, and Squanto, were three indigenous men who played key roles when the Mayflower first landed in Massachusetts. This video shares some information about them.

Some of the men shown on video and in historical artwork have limited clothing on. There is discussion of disease killing people with an historical image showing dead bodies on the ground.

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March 17: Saint Patrick’s Day


March 15: Billy Graham Crusade in Chattanooga, TN (1953)