January 30: Birthday of King Abdullah II (1962)


Prayer Idea

Abdullah II is the king of the Middle Eastern country of Jordan. Pray for him, his family, and the people of Jordan.

History Note

After World War I, the Ottoman Empire ended. The League of Nations put much of its former territory under the control of Britain and France.

Members of the Hashemite family have been prominent in Middle Eastern politics since at least the 10th century. They trace their genealogy back to Muhammad, the founder of Islam. In the 20th century, members of the family have been leaders in Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iraq.

In 1921 the British government recognized a Hashemite leader named Abdullah as king of an area known as Transjordan (the area directly east of the Jordan River). The country gained independence from Britain in 1946 and is now known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Abdullah II, great-grandson of Abdullah I, became king in 1999. During his reign, he has welcomed refugees displaced by the Syrian Civil War, pursued peace between countries in the Middle East, and promoted dialogue and cooperation between members of different religions.

King Abdullah II meets with President Barack Obama at the White House in 2013. Official White House photo by Pete Souza.

Learn More

This video explores the life of Abdullah II. The Washington Institute is an organization that researches issues related to the Middle East. It recognized the king with its 2019 Scholar-Statesman Award.

Please Note: There is footage of refugees and of soldiers with weapons. It mentions the assassination of Abdullah I.

Visit Homeschool History to learn more about the country of Jordan.

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Notgrass History exists to glorify God by producing materials centered in His Word that help parents train their children to honor God with heart, soul, and mind. Our team of homeschool parents and graduates work together to serve homeschooling families across the country and around the world.


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