February 6: Waitangi Day (New Zealand)
Prayer Idea
Pray that the people of New Zealand would work together for the good of everyone in their country.
History Note
New Zealand is an island nation southeast of Australia in the Pacific Ocean. The Māori are the indigenous Polynesian people of the islands. Aotearoa is the Māori name for the country.
On February 6, 1840, representatives of the British Crown signed a treaty with dozens of Māori leaders, called rangatira. Some rangatira opposed signing it, but the treaty established a framework for relations between the Māori and British in coming decades. Eventually over 500 rangatira signed the treaty.
Waitangi Day commemorates the signing of the treaty in 1840. Formal celebrations of Waitangi Day began in 1934, and it became a national holiday in 1974. The Treaty House at Waitangi, which is New Zealand's most-visited historic building, hosts a large observance each February 6. Other communities throughout the country host events as well.
These Māori waka (canoes) participate in a Waitangi Day observance. Photo by ChameleonsEye / Shutterstock.com.
Learn More
Visit Homeschool History to learn more about the Treaty of Waitangi and New Zealand.