February 21: Nixon’s Visit to China (1972)


Prayer Idea

Pray for peace between China and other countries.

History Note

During the Chinese civil war after World War II, the United States government supported the Kuomintang, the national government led by Chiang Kai-shek. In 1949 Mao Zedong, leader of the Communist party, proclaimed the People’s Republic of China. Chiang’s government left mainland China and took over the island of Taiwan.

For over two decades, the United States had no official relationship with Communist China. On February 21, 1972, President Richard Nixon and his wife, Pat, made an official visit to China. Nixon met with Communist party leaders, including Mao Zedong. Nixon and these leaders agreed to work together for a peaceful relationship between the two countries.

The Nixons stayed for eight days. At a dinner on their last night, Nixon told his hosts, “This was the week that changed the world.” On the night he returned home, Nixon gave a televised speech to Congress about the visit.

China and the United States established formal diplomatic relations in 1979. Since then, many Chinese people have come to the United States to study and work. The two countries have also become major trading partners. However, tension continues because of policies and practices of the Communist Chinese government.

President Richard Nixon shakes hands with Premier Zhou Enlai upon arrival in Beijing on February 21, 1972. First Lady Pat Nixon wore a red coat. In Chinese culture, the color red represents good luck and friendship. Photo courtesy the National Archives.

Learn More

Watch this video about President Nixon’s trip to China.

Learn more about China and international relations at Homeschool History.

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