February 22: Saudi Founding Day
Prayer Idea
Pray for the government and people of Saudi Arabia.
History Note
Historically the Arabian Peninsula consisted of many small Arab tribes, each with its own leader or sheikh. In 1932, after many years of effort, the powerful sheikh Abdul al-Aziz al Saud gathered the other sheikhs in the central part of the peninsula under his leadership and founded the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. By law the king must always be one of his descendants.
Saudi Arabia is the homeland of Muhammad. It is the place where he founded the Muslim religion, and it is the location of the two sites that Muslims consider most holy, the cities of Mecca and Medina. Today Saudi Arabia is officially a Muslim state. Nearly the entire population professes Islam.
Mostly desert, it is the largest country in the world that does not have a river. Saudi Arabia is believed to have about one-sixth of the world’s known oil reserves. Oil has been the predominant part of its economy, but the country is seeking to diversify its economic activity.
Saudi National Day is observed on September 23 to commemorate the proclamation of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. However, the ruling al-Saud family created a new holiday in 2022 to commemorate a much earlier event. Saudi Founding Day, observed on February 22, celebrates Muhammad bin Saud becoming emir of Diriyah in 1727. The al-Sauds trace their heritage back to that family.
People celebrate Saudi Founding Day on February 22, 2022, at the King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Photo by Hyserb / Shutterstock.com.
Learn More
This video about the creation of Saudi Founding Day discusses some of the changes the country has undergone in recent years.
Learn more about Saudi Arabia at Homeschool History.